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Importance of industrial labeling

Importance of industrial labeling

Posted by Admin on 21st Dec 2020

One of the essential activities in any industrial facility is proper labeling. Proper labeling is required for almost every measurable area, and it helps improve the safety as well as efficiency. A proactive labeling policy has a number of advantages and let’s have the main points below -

1. Regulatory Compliance

One of the most important reasons to get the industrial items labeled is that it is a measure to check efficiency by the authorities. For instance, when there are certain hazardous chemicals used, the containers labeled should be labeled with proper industry standards. Similarly with machines and pipes which use or transport hazardous items must be properly marked to avoid any mishaps.

2. Tracking Maintenance Tasks

There are a number of facilities where industrial labeling is required to distinguish different machines or vehicles. Barcode thermal labels are used in such cases where all the possible details are encrypted such as the VIN or serial number, manufacturing date or other such elements for making things easier. Eventually, it enhances organization and management. They can be scanned and get all the details of the activities.

3. Locating Safety Equipment

Unless it is a drill or an actual emergency, people don't really look at the safety equipment. So, when there are serious accidents that need immediate attention, you need to locate them easily. Using a sophisticated label dispenser can help to mark those equipment. For instances, things like fire extinguishers, emergency eye washing stations, AED machines, and other items should be properly and clearly labeled to get the emergency response in time.

4. Improved Organization

Many facilities need the labeling for their warehouse or storage areas. There will be an obvious improvement when there is a proper marking of each of these items on the shelves. The more detailed the labels are the more efficient and easier it is to mark the items and where they goes. This is particularly useful for store houses that use boxes which cannot be distinguished unless opened.

5. Marking Ownership

In industries dealing with small, minute but extremely valuable assets should be carefully labeled. Anything that is at risk of being broken or misplaced must have a label on them.

6. Internal Marketing

Make sure to have the corporate logo on all the items that your employees use such as the mouse pad, laptop, switchboards or other items where it can work as growing the sense of ownership. Although a small thing, it can help improving the employee engagement.

7. Temporary Signs

Signs such as ‘slippery when wet’, 'under construction' are the common ones that you can find. But there can be something very particular to each facility. 'Hazardous', 'Durable', or other such properties must be marked on items with a custom label to avoid any miscommunication.

Making your organization efficient and organized can significantly impact the productivity. One of the vitals steps is to get industrial labeling done rightly.